FFive Snakes by aurelio locsin salVacion
FFive Snakes
There were five snakes that paraded,
Crossed each others’ path
Seeking its sure ground in disarray.
Five snakes that went around,
White, yellow, green, orange, and blue,
And yet another one that appeared to be white.
Snakes went around
With the beat of the lyres
Of tired young minds
Who do not understand why they roam
with this multitude,
silently walking without purpose
asking if at the end of the circling around,
The snakes get to dance
and boast its color and air.
The other white snake not contented
with the chaotic display,
Chose to put itself in the way
Of which it left years back.
Who is responsible,
Who sowed confusion
In the silently unplanned march
That created those snakes that
do not play with each other.
In their minds
Of pompous cheer,
Of coat of arms that is
Queer or does jeer.
From above gods look down,
Laughing at their pawns,
Gathered in disarray,
Mirrored the beat
That the gods hide but know,
That this day
These snakes will crawl empty,
No song, no dance,
No word to say,
No story to boast,
Just pawns sharing,
Trying to make sense
Of the all-together meaningless march.
Of learned incompetence
The gods boast
The pawns learn well
And yet not so well,
Those who thought
And indeed deep, to what really is,
were nowhere near the five roaming snakes.
Like scales the pawns scat
Like of the bones of the gods rot,
Seeking the best way
to make sense of the day.
(February 9,2009
aurelio locsin salVacion)
Labels: ALSA Poetry
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