Social Problems and Social Institutions In flux

Notes on Social Problems, Perspectives and Tools for Analyzing Social Issues and Realities, Papers of students on Current Issues, Notes on Social Institutions and accompanying theories for students of Sociology at the Polytechnic Universtiy of the Philippines

Monday, February 16, 2009

FFive Snakes by aurelio locsin salVacion

FFive Snakes
There were five snakes that paraded,
Crossed each others’ path
Seeking its sure ground in disarray.
Five snakes that went around,
White, yellow, green, orange, and blue,
And yet another one that appeared to be white.
Snakes went around
With the beat of the lyres
Of tired young minds
Who do not understand why they roam
with this multitude,
silently walking without purpose
asking if at the end of the circling around,
The snakes get to dance
and boast its color and air.
The other white snake not contented
with the chaotic display,
Chose to put itself in the way
Of which it left years back.
Who is responsible,
Who sowed confusion
In the silently unplanned march
That created those snakes that
do not play with each other.
In their minds
Of pompous cheer,
Of coat of arms that is
Queer or does jeer.
From above gods look down,
Laughing at their pawns,
Gathered in disarray,
Mirrored the beat
That the gods hide but know,
That this day
These snakes will crawl empty,
No song, no dance,
No word to say,
No story to boast,
Just pawns sharing,
Trying to make sense
Of the all-together meaningless march.
Of learned incompetence
The gods boast
The pawns learn well
And yet not so well,
Those who thought
And indeed deep, to what really is,
were nowhere near the five roaming snakes.
Like scales the pawns scat
Like of the bones of the gods rot,
Seeking the best way
to make sense of the day.

(February 9,2009
aurelio locsin salVacion)


Semester Paper Guide

Contemporary Social Problems
Semester Paper

Dear BS BSS 1-1 and Irreg. Students:

The following is the suggested outline for your semester paper. It is based on the usual outline used in Report writing. The difference with your paper, as it was, in the handling of this course, are the tools and perspectives that I taught you in analyzing social problems and with coming up with proposed solutions.

Suggested Outline:

I. Introduction Discussion of the problem and its context (Presentation of the national situation and/or local situation using indicators that the group identified such as poverty level, subsistence level, inflation, socio-cultural situation, and major indices such as the Human development index, millennium development goals, MTPDP, etc). Presentation of the research problem, objectives, hypothesis or assumptions (if applicable), scope and limitations, relevance of your study (to society, to PUP, and to your course as future engineers)

II. Discussion of the perspective that the group will use for analyzing the problem (Ex. Functionalist view, conflict perspective, constructivist, feminist, postmodern, including pathological, social disintegration, structural strain, etc). Discussion of the Tools for analysis that the group will use in presenting the arguments.

III. Review of Literature (related studies and literature/ foreign and local) Please do not copy and paste. If you are using direct quotation, acknowledge the author and use proper citation formats. Summarize each source, article or book. Just state the main points that the materials are saying and how is it related to your study.

IV. Methodology (how you obtained your data, what tools did you use, from whom, how did you choose your respondents/subjects, and how did you analyze)

V. Presentation of Data/Cases (Present the cases in narrative form. If quantitative, use tables and graphs)

VI. Analysis of Data (It is only at this point that you will present the content of your problem tree or fishbone analysis or whatever tool you chose). ALSO, use the thoery and perpsective chosen. Required: structual analysis, one of the Seven Perpsectives, and another tool.

VII. Conclusion and Recommendation (Your recommendation must include a short plan of action such as a campaign, an activity, a seminar, an amendment to a policy, a policy review, a program evaluation , etc. Provide a step by step plan on how to achieve this plan (pretend that you are already engineers.)

VIII. References (use proper format) For online resources, please get the URL and not the search engine. (ex. is NOT acceptable)

IX. Annexes (copies of the questionnaire or interview schedule/ letters/statistics, pictures, etc.)

Reports will be short bond paper, double space, font 12. Each group will submit a book-bound copy of the report with an accompanying CD containing the soft copy of the report and a power point presentation. The leader will also provide a peer rating for the members of the group.

Submission will be on February 26, 2009. Please meet this date in order to allow some time for the computation of your grades.

Thank you.

Justin V. Nicolas
Subject facilitator


SOCI 1023 Midterm Exam

SO 110
Contemporary Social Problems
Make-up Midterm Examination
2nd Semester SY 2008-2009
Class of Justin V. Nicolas

Choose a sector and work on your non-thesis topic:
Children (Child labor, Street Children)
Women - Sexual Harassment; Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Farmers and Fisherfolks(Land Reform; Land Conversion)
Workers/ Labor (Unemployment; Unfair Labor Practices; OFW)
Indigenous People (Ancestral Domain; Mining)
Urban Poor (Squatting; Internal Migration)
Youth/ Students (Drugs; gangs; juvenile delinquency)

Research on data on the chosen topic and attach them as Annexes to your exam. Assign a file name for these annexes with your name (Ex. Mendoza_Jojo_Annexes).

Based on your data, provide a LOCAL SITUATION MATRIX reflecting Economic, Political, Socio-cultural and Environmental events and indicators relevant to your topic. Provide a general statement to summarize your analysis of your local situation.

Choose a sociological perspective and analyze the topic you chose according to the following:


Chooses a tool (Fish bone, Problem tree, etc) and analyze your topic, showing the potential factors and effect (or causes and effects). Draw the diagram using Word Art and appropriate textboxes. Provide a general statement to summarize your analysis.

Email your answers to Paste your answers on the text AND send an MSWORD (97-2003 Format) file as an attachment with your name as the filename. (Ex, Soriano_BSS1-1_Midterm.doc

Happy testing!

Justin V. Nicolas
Sociology, PUP

Monday, February 09, 2009

BSS 1-1 Midterm

Dear Students:

SuliraningPanlipunan midterm on Thrusday (Feb. 12, 2009) Please be in the room by 7:25 AM.
Bring all your data and materials for the first topic or issue you chose for your sector.

Please be advised that after the midterm, Group 1 will present their baby thesis. This means that all groups should have started with their baby thesis and that they should be done by the end of the week to be able to prepare for your presentations. Please prepare a power point presentation to be attached to the bookbound hardcopy of your report.


justin nicolas
